Wednesday 23 April 2014

Ticking Off Mark P. Shea

Hans-Georg Lundahl to Mark Shea
23/04/14 à 11h40
Tim O'Neill
You referred to him:

Catholic and Enjoying It : Honest Atheist Tim O’Neill on Bad Atheist History

So do I:

somehwere else : Is there Creation Science on This Blog?

"I started this when I was banned from defending St Paul's witness on a discussion held on Tim O'Neill's blog, and he told me 'go and preach to atheists somewhere else' ..."

Then there is the question of what was believed and taught about roundness and flatness of earth in Middle Ages:

New Advent > Catholic Encyclopedia > A > Antipodes

If Pope St Zachary had not been flat earther, he would hardly have misunderstood Vergilius the way he did, would he?

Meaning that even if flat earth was NOT ever dogma (unlike to Nestorians and Jewry), it was a thing one could believe, in even pretty high positions.

Hans-Georg Lundahl

Mark Shea to Hans-Georg Lundahl
23/04/14 à 11h56
RE: Tim O'Neill
Not interested.


Hans-Georg Lundahl to Mark Shea
23/04/14 à 13h16
RE: Tim O'Neill
Ah, but you ARE interested in:

  • referring to him on your blog*
  • twice over calling my friends Sungenis and DeLano liars**
  • exonerating Lawrence Krauss and the actress from any least suspicion of lying about how they came into the film ...***

    to me that adds up:

  • you like certain enemies of the faith so well (not saying all) that you dislike Catholics on account of them.

Hans-Georg Lundahl

Mark Shea to Hans-Georg Lundahl
23/04/14 à 17h19
RE: Tim O'Neill
I like honest atheists better than I like lying Christians.

I also dislike your stupid accusations.° Leave me alone.


Hans-Georg Lundahl to Mark Shea
23/04/14 à 17h44
RE: Tim O'Neill
And being a modernist makes you infallible about who is honest and who isn't?

A moderate such, that is. Not Küng style but Barron style, if you see what I mean.

Mark Shea to Hans-Georg Lundahl
23/04/14 à 18h13
RE: Tim O'Neill
And you're kill filed.


Hans-Georg Lundahl to Mark Shea
23/04/14 à 18h15
RE: Tim O'Neill
what does that expression mean?

* See his praise in link in first letter.

** See these links:

Catholic and Enjoying It : Liars for Jesus

Catholic and Enjoying It : Liars for Jesus, Part Deux

*** See this post:

Catholic and Enjoying It : Liars for Jesus denounced

° Not as if he had made any accusations against any friends of mine before this ... and not as if I had been able to reason through the accusation or reproach, with facts sketchily alluded to and backed up in the footnotes ... duh ...

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