Saturday 28 June 2014

Apparent Annual Zig Zag Question about Geo/Helio and Space Crafts

Document commented on:
"Here Comes the Sun"
How the new geocentrists persist in scientific and logical errors
by Alec MacAndrew

After reading which I contacted Alec:
HGL to
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2014 5:13 PM
Subject: does/did Pioneer 10 a yearly apparent zig zag?
You wrote:

"Is there any such evidence for the Earth’s daily rotation? Let’s look at Pioneer 10 and 11, two spacecraft that were launched in 1972 and 1973 respectively, to study the asteroid belt, Jupiter and Saturn. After completing their mission they continued on their trajectory out of the solar system at well above escape velocity. Pioneer 1034 remained in contact with earth stations until 2003 when it was some 12 billion kilometres away. You will remember that the Sun has by far the biggest gravitational field in the solar system and for that reason both Pioneers were slowed down by the Sun’s gravity as they flew away from the solar system. However measurements of the spacecraft position and speed indicated that both Pioneers were slowing down more than the models predicted and for several years this effect, known as the Pioneer anomaly, was a mystery. All we need to know about the anomaly is a) that it was tiny (~10-10 ms-2 - a hundred billionth of the acceleration due to gravity at the Earth’s surface) and b) that it has been explained with perfectly conventional physics35. What is relevant to us is the fact that the anomaly was so small and therefore, in order to measure it, physicists needed to know the position (range and direction) of the satellites with extreme precision. These measurements are made by Doppler measurements and timing of radio signals sent to the satellites and returned to Earth ground stations. There is a daily modulation of the Doppler signals caused by the fact that Earth’s rotation causes a daily change in the relative velocity between the spacecraft and the Earth which physicists must correct for. In fact this daily Doppler modulation is used to measure the direction of the spacecraft from the Earth (its amplitude gives declination and its phase gives right ascension)."

Is there a yearly one?

That is about the question I asked here:

Has Cassini-Huygens spacecraft earth flyby in 1999 disproven geocentrism

"If earth is stationary, it ought to remain at the origo of the flight of a rocket (the spiral movement of which is explained by influence of daily movement of universe around earth). If it be moving around sun, it ought to return to it only once a year."

In other words, have the spacecraft been observed as zigzagging by parallactic observation from an earth rotating around the sun?

Hans-Georg Lundahl

HGL to : "geocentrismdebunked"
date : 25/04/14 à 18h42
objet : To Alec
New blog on the kid : Answering Alec MacAndrew

Alec MacAndrew to HGL
date : 02/05/14 à 11h22
objet : Re: does/did Pioneer 10 a yearly apparent zig zag?
Of course. See ref 36 in the paper.

Best regards


Reference 36:
36 Anderson, John D., et al. "Study of the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11." Physical Review D 65.8 (2002): 082004.

HGL to Alec MacAndrew
date : 02/05/14 à 18h54
objet : Re: does/did Pioneer 10 a yearly apparent zig zag?
Thank you!

HGL to :
date : 02/05/14 à 19h00
objet : "Study of the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11." Physical Review D 65.8 (2002): 082004.
  • a) Can you identify this reference?
  • b) Is the paper in question available in the libraries of Paris (especially excepting Georges Pompidou)?

    Hans-Georg Lundahl

  • PS, c) is it available online?

[I got the correct adress, but I am not finding the kind mail, right now.]

HGL to : ;
date : 02/05/14 à 20h57
objet : Question passed on to you : Subject: does/did Pioneer 10 a yearly apparent zig zag?
+ identic one with following header:
HGL to : ; ;
date : 03/05/14 à 10h59
objet : On Pioneer .... (passing on a question)
Citing it as originally written to someone else (HGL to Alec -> HGL to you):

You [Alec MacAndrew*] wrote:

"Is there any such evidence for the Earth’s daily rotation? Let’s look at Pioneer 10 and 11, two spacecraft that were launched in 1972 and 1973 respectively, to study the asteroid belt, Jupiter and Saturn. After completing their mission they continued on their trajectory out of the solar system at well above escape velocity. Pioneer 10 remained in contact with earth stations until 2003 when it was some 12 billion kilometres away. You will remember that the Sun has by far the biggest gravitational field in the solar system and for that reason both Pioneers were slowed down by the Sun’s gravity as they flew away from the solar system. However measurements of the spacecraft position and speed indicated that both Pioneers were slowing down more than the models predicted and for several years this effect, known as the Pioneer anomaly, was a mystery. All we need to know about the anomaly is a) that it was tiny (~10-10 ms-2 - a hundred billionth of the acceleration due to gravity at the Earth’s surface) and b) that it has been explained with perfectly conventional physics. What is relevant to us is the fact that the anomaly was so small and therefore, in order to measure it, physicists needed to know the position (range and direction) of the satellites with extreme precision. These measurements are made by Doppler measurements and timing of radio signals sent to the satellites and returned to Earth ground stations. There is a daily modulation of the Doppler signals caused by the fact that Earth’s rotation causes a daily change in the relative velocity between the spacecraft and the Earth which physicists must correct for. In fact this daily Doppler modulation is used to measure the direction of the spacecraft from the Earth (its amplitude gives declination and its phase gives right ascension)."

Is there a yearly one?

That is about the question I asked here:

Has Cassini-Huygens spacecraft earth flyby in 1999 disproven geocentrism

"If earth is stationary, it ought to remain at the origo of the flight of a rocket (the spiral movement of which is explained by influence of daily movement of universe around earth). If it be moving around sun, it ought to return to it only once a year."

In other words, have the spacecraft been observed as zigzagging by parallactic observation from an earth rotating around the sun?

* He referred to reference 36 which brought me to:

Physical Review D : Study of the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11
Phys. Rev. D 65, 082004 – Published 11 April 2002
John D. Anderson, Philip A. Laing, Eunice L. Lau, Anthony S. Liu, Michael Martin Nieto, and Slava G. Turyshev
Not answering as far as I have seen since:
John D. Anderson, Philip A. Laing, Eunice L. Lau, Anthony S. Liu, Michael Martin Nieto, and Slava G. Turyshev

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